Saturday, January 1, 2011

Back to the Future Part II & III

Yes, the title should actually read "Parts" not "Part", but I'm probably the only one who cares.  It was developed by Beam Software, published by LJN Ltd, and released around 1989-1990 for the Nintendo Entertainment System.  It's a simple enough platformer, put into the genre of action-adventure (like most platformers) and puzzle (will be able to explain that later). 

The story seems to go fairly well along with the actually movies, Biff has borrowed the DeLorean to give a younger version of himself the sports almanac and you have to get it back.  Seems straight forward enough, you start as Marty standing outside of Biff's Bar (not the big casino in the movie, that is somewhere else) with 10 lives.

So, I started by running around (I went left) looking for something to do, maybe it will give me some hints on how I should destroy this almanac.  Jumped on a trashcan-looking guy with feet, then ended up seeing something that looks like the Spiny straight out of Mario Bros. So it has spikes on its back, I have the ability to jump on things, the hell if I'm jumping on that though.  So I jump over him and keep going.  A little further down the rabbit-hole (still have no clue where I'm going) I started running into another enemy, a thing that looks like a cross of a bird and a plane, waivers up and down along then screen and then started chasing after me.  I made the correct assumption it must be dangerous because the music changed the instant it appeared and it killed me a few times. 

Kept going through random entrances on the screen and ended up jumping on one of the spiny-things and killing it... wait, what?  If I can jump on the Spiny, then why does it have spines?  Well, it died and a key flew out, right past me and through the ground.  Ended up running into an actual door a bit later that wouldn't let me in (guess I needed the key)  At this point, I'm just running around, trying to find another key by killing something and doing horribly at it.  But the game in fact does have a kind side, you have infinite continues and seemingly no downside to dying. 

But I digress...

A lot.

I began the game once more, and this time decided to go right.  After running for a very little bit, I pass a door and end up grabbing a key some how.  Yes! Game progression! I get back to the door and find a mini-game (that's where the puzzle element comes from).  In the game you have 110 second (or at least a timer starting at 110) to grab 10 clocks and avoid green spike looking things while running on sand that collapses under you (image to the right is by someone who is decidedly not me, so you have an idea what it looks like).  You have an effective infinite tries because every time you die you lose a life and start right outside the door and if you lose all your lives, you have infinite continues that drop you right outside the door (again with the no downside to dying).  I ended up going through the rest of my lives trying to get the trophy but no such luck. My play time for this game ended here and it thankfully goes back into the big box of games.

So the first game is played, and though thoroughly depressing for a lack of any sort of progression, I shall continue on tomorrow with another game and perhaps another console.  Perhaps I'll move up the console line, onto an SNES game tomorrow: Zombies Ate My Neighbors.  Adios for today though.

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