Thursday, January 6, 2011


I decided to be more casual today, playing Worms.  Worms was developed by Team 17 and published by Ocean Software and released on the PC back in 1995 though the version I played is a remake for the PlayStation Network.  The version I played was placed on the PlayStation Network in 2009, still developed by Team 17, and plays much like the original. 

The game (much like Soul Calibur) isn't very deep in either story or concept.  The matches place teams of worms against each other with weapons from the basic bazooka and grenade to air strikes, sheep and the almighty Holy Hand Grenade.  Each worm starts off with 100 health and you beat on the other worms until they have no health and it ends.  Like I said: not deep.  The game does boast a challenge mode as well that pits your team of worms against strengthening worms to test your skill (the first challenge has one team of worms at 10 health, then 20 and so forth until you are facing four full teams of worms).

So I decided to simply do a three team match using my team of Gamers (Ness, 360, Sony and Sega) against the Trekies (Kirk, Spock, Bones and Scotty) and the computer generated Rookies (Kelly, Hicks, O'Reilly, and Barnes).  Ness got to start the round and I used the bazooka to knock Kirk into the icy depths and injure Kelly.  Spock was quick for revenge and dropped a bazooka onto Ness (Kelly took damage as well).  Barnes was the first for the Rookies and isn't quite the brightest worm, dropping dynamite to blow up Scotty, Sega and himself.  I get to go next with Sega and decide that taking a page out of Barnes' book might not be a bad idea (sans blowing myself up).  I leave some dynamite as a present and blow up Scotty, Bones, Spock and Barnes (though defeat no one).

Scotty is next and he's giving all he's got with a well placed bazooka to take out Barnes and Sega make it three all.  Kellyl is up next and finally gets revenge for the first two shots and uses a sheep to retire Ness.  I try to jetpack with 360 to get close and damage the Trekies but end up just face planting in the middle of them.  Bones is kind enough to not rub salt in my wounds and uses his homing rocket to eliminate the Rookie Hicks.  O'Reilly shows how greedy he is by using the teleporter to game the crate (getting a Ninja Rope) and his turn ends with nothing happening.  Sony gets to go next and I drop a sheep on O'Reilly, but unluckily I bounce a landmine into myself.  Spock and Kelly apparently decided to team up, Spock landing the first Holy Hand Grenade right next to Sony, followed by a bazooka from Kelly. 

At this point, my only worm left is 360, while the Rookies have Kelly and O'Reilly (both with horribly low health).  The Trekies have 360 surrounded, with Spock, Scotty and Bones all still doing well.  While at this point I would love to say I still have a chance to win, I can only really make an impact and give one team or the other the win: choosing to defeat the Trekies because they are close and it's an easy shot.  So 360 drops a Holy Hand Grenade at his feet and one short Hallelujah later has given the Rookies the game by taking out Spock and Scotty and leaving both Bones and himself with less then 10 health each.  Bones gets an ounce of revenge by blasting 360 with a shotgun but O'Reilly makes an impressive bazooka shot to end the round. 

The end of round awards are given out and apparently that Holy Hand Grenade was better then I though, giving 360 Worm of the Round, the Best Shot, and the Most Accurate worm (the jetpack incident gave him the High Flyer Award as well).  And so another game is down and it's almost the weekend when I can game even more.  Adios for today though.

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