Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Still back in the past, I'm playing a game that shows it's age: Goal!.  Developed by TOSE and then published by Jaleco, Goal! was released in October 1989.  It is, very simply, a soccer game where you choose your team and play soccer. Simple.

So the game has a few different modes: World Cup, Tournament, and Shoot.  In World Cup mode, you choose from a few different international teams and do your best to advance through the world cup.  Tournament is similar except you use only teams in the United States.  The most different mode is Shoot which you choose from one of three players and participate in a shoot out. 

I started with World Cup and going through the teams it initially shows it's age.  Most of the teams bring no thought (Argentina, Italy, Japan, USA), but then you get two that make it obvious the game was released in the eighties: USSR and West Germany.  So you in fact can play the iron curtain.  But I decided to just choose USA, I figured why not.  First round is against Holland, so here I go. 

The field is diagonal in design, which while it looks strange, doesn't really effect the game play that much it seems.  You start off in the center of the field and can pass the ball or shoot to try and get a goal.  I started by just running around, trying to find a way past the slue of defenders, but ended up just kicking the ball out of bounds.  Holland gets the ball and advances on me, but my goalie is successful without me and blocks the shot.  Passing the ball forwards more, I try and make a mark, but once again I kick the ball out of bounds.  Holland presses the offense once more and it is rinse and repeat.  I'm not sure at this point I'd say the game is difficult, but perhaps the learning curve is a bit steep. 

I also played the shoot out mode to give myself something different.  You get five shots total, each from a different position.  One of your teammates passes you the ball and it's off for the shot.  There are two defenders to dribble around before trying to shoot it past the goalie, and he seems pretty reliable.  The first shot I wasn't able to get past the defenders, but after that they were just sort of there and no problem.  I did get a few good shots, but maybe the game just requires practice on all fronts, because I wasn't able to score. 

And so another game is played and this day is over.  The weeks seems to be dragging along now but it's half over and I'm on the downward slope now, I shall game once again tomorrow.  Adios for today though. 

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