Friday, January 14, 2011


Today I'm playing a short game with very little I can actually right about.  I knew this would happen eventually, all the games can't give me a lot of good stuff to write about, but there are just some games that I won't be able to write about... this will be one of them.  Today I am playing Golf.  Developed and published by Nintendo, Golf was released in October of 1985 for the Nintendo Entertainment System.

In Golf, you play with a guy who looks a lot like Mario and play golf.  There isn't that much more then that, you either play it alone or with a friend.  The controls are simple, you choose your club and your direction, press the button to start your swing, press a second time for power, and a third for accuracy.  And now you know the game, let's play some Golf.

So with my first swing, I hit the ball left and straight out of bounds.  I'm about as good at this game as I am at real golf apparently.  Second swing, I hit it right and barely keep it in bounds.  Try again and criss cross it to the other side of the course, but at least closer to the hole.  The next swing puts me closer to the hole, but also straight into the bunker.  I'm slowly learning this game, sort of.  My next swing takes me out of bounds... bah-humbug.  I finally get out of the bunker and onto the green and then finally finish the first hole (nine swings, horrid). 

So there isn't that much to say about this game, I'm not sure there is much more to describe it.  It's Golf... it's golf... and that's about it.  So I finish this game and shall move onto one with a bit more... substance tomorrow.  Adios for today though.

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