Sunday, January 30, 2011

Legendary Wings

So I'm continuing with the original Nintendo games with arcade roots with Legendary Wings.  Developed and published by Capcom, Legendary Wings was released in the arcade November 1986 and then on the Nintendo Entertainment System on July 1988.  The game runs much like Galaga or any top down flight shooter where you move across a self-scrollig level, collecting power-ups until... this sounds familiar. 

Why does it sound so familiar?  Because it's very much like a game I've played before: Dragon Spirit: The New Legend.  This game is in fact very much like Dragon Spirit, so much so that I had the exact same problem, by trying to use the bomb attack to begin before learning about the regular blaster.

So the easiest way to describe is to describe the differences from Dragon Spirit.  First and simplest, your an angel instead of a dragon.  Yeah, bit simple but it's one of the differences. 

Secondly, this game is harder.  I'm not sure if the game is actually more difficult or if it just seems that way because the enemies swarm so often.  Honestly I couldn't actually beat the first level because there are just some areas with so many enemies.  It wasn't the air enemies, but the ones on the ground because the power ups you obtain seem to boost your regular shot but not your grounds bombs.  So you are using your base weapon to try and defeat all of these enemies that you have to kill each alone that are all shooting at you and you're trying to survive and kill them so you don't have to deal with them when they're behind you and... yeah, it's the swarming that is more difficult. 

So, thirdly, a bit into the level there is this face in the ground and it started to spit smoke at me.  You can actually avoid it (I did in fact get past him when trying a second time), but getting hit by it causes you to fall into the mouth and get swallowed.  The screen at that point starts flashing and saying danger before the game becomes a sidescroller and you get to shoot at enemies.  But in fact I didn't last long before getting killed and getting another game over. 

And so another game has been played and I wasn't even able to get past the first level, but it isn't all that bad.  I am going to play something I'm good at tomorrow, or at least good enough to get through the first level.  Adios for today though. 

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