Friday, December 31, 2010

Year Of The Game

So, I'm a huge gamer; I play everything, from sports games to fighters to shooters to puzzle games. I've been playing games for the last twenty two years and have been collecting games for that long as well. A few years back, one of my buddies jokingly suggested I try and collect 365 games so I could have a different game to play every day of the year.

Sounds silly right?

Horrible idea.

Why would anyone need that many games?

Yeah, I did it. Started collecting games and then finally collected all 365. The collection spans many consoles, from the original Nintendo Entertainment System to the newest PlayStation 3, and everything in-between.

But at that point, what's next? What do you do with 365 games?

365 games, 365 days.

Well, I'm doing exactly what my buddy suggested: I have 365 games to play a different one every day of the year. So, over 2011, I'm going to play a different game every day of the year. And I'm going to be blogging about them too.

So here I go!

The first game (which will logically be posted tomorrow) will be the first game I could ever call my own: Back to the Future Part II & III.

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