Saturday, February 12, 2011


Continuing alone the ages of the Nintendo Entertainment System I move to the action game Jackal.  Developed and published by Konami, Jackal was released in June 1986.  The game is a basic run and gun where you are dropped off to rescue prisoners from the enemies and then defeat the level boss.

So the game starts off with you being dropped off on the beach by a transport helicopter in your very well armed jeep.  You start driving in whichever direction with two different attacks: a gun that always shoots north as well as grenades that fire the direction you're facing. 

And I start to drive north, shooting at these planted cannons as well as random soldiers on the ground.  The cannons are more obnoxious because they usually come in pairs and they do their best by shooting at you to and they can only be defeated by the grenades. So moving further to the north I come upon an enemy base that is guarded by a few soldiers, after shooting some of them I am then able to just drive past. 

And further north I go, and it's basically the same, shooting or running over the soldiers and then tossing grenades at the cannons.  There is one section where you break into another base by destroying the large metal door at the entrance. 

And I keep moving north. 

So yeah, there really isn't much to say about this game except that you keep moving north and keep killing random soldiers and cannons.  It's fun to play but really boring to describe.  Nothing really distinct that happens within the level until the boss, which for the first level is just a few tanks that take two hits to kill. 

And so I've played another Nintendo game, and I think I'll move to another system tomorrow.  Perhaps one where I can write a little bit more so the posts don't seem so short.  Or maybe I'll move to a game with a bit more substance, away from all the arcade games.  But anyways, I'll figure out what game to play tomorrow and which system it will be on.  Adios for today though.

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