Monday, January 24, 2011

Kung-Fu Heroes

So I'm playing another short game today: Kung Fu Heroes.  Developed by Nihon and published by Culture Brain, Kung Fu Heroes was released in 1988.  The game is a simple top down beat-em-up that seems like it was likely ported straight from the arcade.

The game itself is very simple, run around a single screen while enemies appear, beat them up, and then exit through the doors at the top.  You play as either Jacky or Lee and have two abilities, punching and doing forward flips to stomp on the enemies.  It's not all too difficult to get used to, but it does only use two buttons.

The first level is just two types of enemies that endlessly appear until you unlock the doors: one is a guy who punches and another is a guy who does the flip.  Both spawn and walk onto the screen, awaiting you to defeat them.  The punch is the better of the attacks in this level, because while the flip keeps you moving, the enemies who use the flip themselves in fact cannot be jumped on.  The only other thing to watch for is the small sections of water that you can walk into because you apparently cannot swim.  After defeating an arbitrary number of enemies, you get to move onto the second level.

In the second level, much like the first, is another stream of endless enemies to defeat.  New ones are introduced with more annoyances.  There is first the spearman who walks forwards, thrusting his spear every once in a while.  He's easy enough to dodge and hit, he doesn't turn or anything, just goes in a straight line.  The other new enemy is this spring thing that wanders around; you can try punching it, but it'll chomp your feet so you have to jump on it. 

And that is Kung Fu Heroes, incredibly simple to understand and even easier to pick up.  So another game is played and I shall continue on tomorrow, nothing complicated to say today.  Adios for today though.

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